Methodology options of protected and half-way accommodations – Non-formal learning methods
5th International meeting and Workshop Booklet – Summary
The 5th Transnational project meeting was held in Subotica, Serbia and hosted by Antropos Association. The Transnational Meeting focused on IO9 – Methodology options of protected and half-way accommodations – Non-formal learning methods. Representatives of all partner organizations attended the meeting in person.
The target group of the IO9 is the marginalized group with high criminality risk of detainees, ex-detainees and addicts and professionals working with them. Elements of innovation in IO9: there are basic starting points in the concept that increase opportunities for human dignity, and for an independent personality who is partly stuck (unresolved accommodation, crisis) but motivated for change and moving on. Thematic focuses: basic principles, service map, method and tools scope, house rules, procedure rules, possible problems and reactions, solutions. Topics chosen by the partner organizations:
- AMAKA selected EPANADOS as a good example for IO9 because it is an innovative and the only organization in Greece that implements half-way accommodations to ex-prisoners. For this IO AMAKA proposed to include real-life stories of ex-prisoners and feedback from professionals will be gathered as case studies to support the importance and impact of half-way accommodations in the Reintegration and psychosocial support of ex-prisoners. IO9 will also include the description of EPANODOS’ half-way program taking place in Athens involving methodology of the Program and examples of Art Therapy and other Mental Health, Psychosocial support and social reintegration workshops already operating there.
- Váltó-sáv Alapítvány will write about their own Halfway Flat Complex Reintegration Programme which is in fact a labor market service with a housing base or a housing focus.
- Antropos is planning a series of five 3 hour long tale therapy sessions for this IO to facilitate reintegration for halfway house residents. The aim of the tale therapy workshop series is to transform and process the feelings and experiences that the newly released individuals face on a daily basis. The workshop series is based on (fairy) tale self-knowledge, but also uses other psychological methods (e.g. psychodrama elements, OH-card exercises). Each workshop will have a specific tale for processing. For this reason, during development, Antropos will write a short instruction and a theoretical summary for each workshop, in which it will indicate the limits of competence, which are necessary to conduct each exercise, as well as the short theoretical guide that will help the workshop leader to prepare for the given topic.
- IGA is planning a Crash course in cooking for the male residents (age between 18 and 25) of the Observed Home. The goal is to introduce the joy of healthy eating and cooking. It is a practical solution, as the clients are expected to cook or provide for their own meals in some other ways. The idea is that half of the material would be a synthesized version of most of the theory of cooking and the other half would consist of recipes to test the theory, that are simple and not expensive to prepare. To make it easier for the users, the form of cheat sheets (condensed infographics / poster) on different topics. Clients that are taking the course will achieve basic knowledge that can be built upon later. A bibliography for further studying will be included. The list of exam topics and textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education will also be included. An excerpt from the Regulation on Validating Skills and Competences will also be provided should clients decide to pursue a diploma.
The Transnational project meeting also involved project discussions regarding administrative, financial tasks, the multiplier event, IO9 and the testing of IO5 and IO8 as well as future steps.
Furthermore, presentations were made by experts external to the project. On the 29th of September, Boris Telečki, worker of Centar za socijalni rad grada Subotice presented the center and its service for perpetrators of violence within a relationship. The institution was founded back in 1963 by the decision of the then People's Committee of Subotica and was concerned with the protection of children and the elderly without family care. It had several reforms, and today it is a modern institution with 50 employees that deals with organized activities of public interest, the goal of which is to provide assistance and empowerment for an independent and productive life, in society and in the family, as well as preventing the emergence and elimination of the consequences of social exclusion. The activities of the Centar za socijalni rad grada Subotice are regulated by the Law on Social Protection, the Family Law, the Criminal Law, the Law on Juvenile Offenders and the Criminal-Legal Protection of Juvenile Offenders, the Law on Misdemeanors, the Law on Financial Support to Families with Children, the Rulebook on organization, norms and standards of work in centers for social work, as well as the Decision on exercising rights in the area of social protection under the jurisdiction of the city of Subotica. The Centers’ program/service was created for male perpetrators of domestic violence and was based on the Norwegian ATV model. The ATV model focuses on violent acts, responsibility and the consequences of violent acts while having a therapeutic and educational nature. The program was held on the premises of the family support and counseling center and consisted of 24 sessions, working on 8 topics over 6 months, 3 sessions are planned for each topic. These type of sessions are considered cheaper and more effective than imprisonment. The presentation was followed by an open discussion and questions. The second presentation was held by Dragana Bošnjak which was titled “Do we even talk anymore? “. She shared her experiences with Women’s circles and the motivation that drove her to start her own Women’s circle. The events that she attended took place on a monthly basis, and in the 3 hours spent there, the group was allowed to shed whatever role they assumed previously, and just be. In her experience women especially have a need for in-depth communication. In order to be able to share, certain conditions need to be met. That is why women’s circles are the way that they are - they are held in a pleasant location where there are no distractions from the outside; rules are set at the beginning; the attendees accept that the sessions are confidential. By simply being there, participants agree to those terms. Teaching women to take a step back and re-think the conventional patterns is extremely important in this constantly accelerating world. The way that the girls are taught while growing up is not always doing them a favour. Some of them learn from the patriarchal model that they should be obedient homemakers who sacrifice everything and anything for their husbands and their children. On the other end of the spectrum is the empowered, emancipated woman who doesn’t need absolutely anybody to do what she set out to do in this world, unknowingly building an impenetrable wall surrounding her. The truth is probably somewhere in-between. But the road to that place is not always easy. The two extremes have one thing connecting them: forgetting of self. Joining a women’s circle can shed brilliant light on where we are on that scale, how dusty our cocoon is. And whether we want out. Not everyone does. It’s scary out there. What is the most difficult? In her opinion - getting started. Forming a group. Why? Because, there are still stereotypes surrounding anything to do with seeking help, or achieving personal growth with the help of others. This year in May, she finished her own women’s circle (self-knowledge) facilitator training. Along with 9 other women, she got an invitation to participate in a 9 month course where she would learn and develop skills to be able to organize and facilitate such gatherings herself. This form of art therapy can be a wonderful tool in achieving the IO6 goals of the UNLOCKED project. Working with the subjects or plots of folktales is based on imagination, personal associations, internal value system, it does not require previous knowledge of any kind, since the women in marginalised groups usually leave the education system early. They can contribute to developing a more positive self-image, boosting self-confidence, strengthen the sense of belonging in a group, a community. It can bring about positive change in attitudes. Dragana also told the short version of the Russian tale: Vassilisa the Beautiful and asked those present to share a moment in the story which stuck, which spoke most to them. With this question an informal conversation begin which was followed by a Q&A.
On the 30th of September, Lívia Joó Horti, psychologist held a presentation about Preparing children/young people and teachers for the prevention and recognition of domestic violence. As a reflection of the common belief and commitment in recognizing the importance of work on the topic of violence with children of the youngest age, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia with its mandate and the professionals of the Incest Trauma Center - Belgrade, a specialized service for the social problem of sexual violence, which records 23 years of experience in work - has been translated into an educational package for kindergartens. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia wanted to send a clear message to educators, parents/guardians and children about the importance of learning about the topic of violence from kindergarten to the faculty, and the Incest Trauma Center - Belgrade suggested how to talk about the topic of violence, especially sexual violence, to children of the youngest age. This educational package was designed for children aged 3 to 7 years. Activities were designed through play, which is fun and creative. They are guided and structured, which gives children a sense of security, safety and predictability. This ensures ease and simplicity in the participation of children and the adoption of a value system against violence and discrimination. Children learn about violence, especially sexual violence - to recognize it and confront it. The educational package respects and monitors the child's abilities, but also encourages the participation of each child. Finds the right words and a way to talk to children of the youngest age about violence, without adults (teachers and parents/guardians) without worrying that the topic of sexual violence will scare children or make them insecure. Activities meant to strengthen children, instill in them self-esteem, strengthen confidence that they can and dare to defend themselves from violence and learn how to achieve it. At the same time, the activities carefully follow the children's need to love and trust those adults who lovingly nurture, care for and educate them. After the educational package was finalized and created, religious leaders of the country’s churches and some political parties deemed it inappropriate and unacceptable. Stating that the topic and the message of the material speaks against the patriarchal family and its teachings, that the child should always obey the parents and never question them. So sadly the package never made it to the kindergartens and schools. During the presentation the partners were able to see a part of the educational package that was meant for the children between the age of 3 and 5. AMAKA found this material very useful, because it can be used as a base for an educational material for (mentally) disabled people. In the second half of the day participants visited the Furioso Adventure Park. The adventure park is located in the immediate vicinity of Lake Ludaš (13 km from Subotica), on an area of about 2 hectares, and combines catering and experience functions. The park has a closed reception area for 50 people and an open reception area for 80 people, as well as a playground and an adventure park for people of all ages. There are three main directions in the range of services: event organization, which includes children’s birthdays, other family events, and corporate gatherings. The second group of services are trips, and the third is the reception of individual visitors. During the horse carriage ride in Šupljak the owner of the adventure park presented the GreenZone project which started on the 1st of January, 2022 and will end on the 31st of December, 2022. The project is the partnership of two very different organizations (Váltó-sáv Alapitvány’s activities include working with prisoners and the newly released, helping their reintegration process while Udruženje Građana Ostorka deals with eco-tourism) and aims at expanding cross-border, international contacts on the theme of sustainable development, where social reintegration and "reinvesting" (social inclusiveness) are also symbolically represented. The final target beneficiaries are prisoners and released persons. The aim is to develop responsible, environmentally aware behavior and attitudes, to achieve a lower environmental impact in the short and longer term, and to develop competent and responsible choices and behavior. In the duration of the project partners attended project meetings where they learned about each other’s field of work. A methodology material was also created in which Ostorka wrote about eco-tourism, the possibilities of eco-tourism for the project target group, employment opportunities and proposed a training module for greeters and rangers. The program continued with a felting workshop, during which partners mastered the basics of felting by making a ball. The most important raw material for felting is feltable animal fur. Most commonly sheep wool (in this case Australian Merino) is used, explained Olivia, the workshop leader. She also talked about the process in which the animal fur becomes felting material (from how the sheep is sheared to how to wash, dry, dye and prepare the wool). Then the soap felting method was described and presented. After that participants were asked to choose a colored wool which will be the base of their ball. While shaping the material they had time to think about how they want to decorate the ball. The finished art works were given to the participants as a keepsake. The transnational meeting ended whit the evaluation and summarization of the past two days and the tasting of traditional sweet and savory strudels, the elderflower syrup drink and grape must (fermented grape juice).
Ways of implementing game therapies in adult learning – Non-formal learning methods
International meeting and Workshop Booklet 4 - Summary
The 4rth Transnational meeting was held in Athens, Greece by AMAKA. The Transnational Meeting was focused on IO8 – Ways of implementing game therapies in adult learning – Non-formal learning methods. Representatives of all partner organizations attended the meeting in person since this was not possible for some for quite some time due to COVID-19. This was particularly important for the quality of the project activities.
IO8 is an educational tool that facilitates change and development in a playful way. The goal of the IO8 is to help target individuals in learning new skills (i.e. communication skills, social skills, problem solving, conflict management, team work etc), how they can relate differently, what resources they have and use them in relation to being reintegrated in the society. IO8 should be seen as a new and creative tool for both the direct target group members and the experts working with them. The target group of the IO8 is therefore marginalized target group with high criminality risk of detainees, ex- detainees and addicts and professionals working with them. IO8 methodology is based on gamification. Gamification is a process through which psychologically motivating elements and mechanisms of a game are integrated in a non-game medium in order to make processes more interesting and effective. Gamification can be applied in several fields of life, e.g. at the workplace, in health service, in culture or education where gamified methods and developments can trigger significantly positive results. Using these modern tools the scope of educational tools and applications can be extended. Education and especially adult learning are extremely good fields for gamification to support student motivation, the learning process or as a help to combat learning difficulties. The mechanisms taken over from the game can support the acquisition of the learning material, interest can be maintained longer and gives a feeling of success for both students and educators.
The Transnational meeting involved project discussions regarding administrative, financial and dissemination tasks and multiplier event, short discussion of the finalization of IO6 as well as future steps.
Furthermore, presentations were made by experts external to the project. On the 7th of July, Yiannis Nikolopoulos, actor/educator of Texnodromw presented the work of his organization with inmates, focused mainly around theater practices with a therapeutic benefit. Texnodromw is an NGO that uses theater methods in order to facilitate communication, exchange and change for those who have been marginalized or are at risk of exclusion. Partner organizations were particularly interested in these practices and the Yiannis Nikolopoulos shared case studies and videos of previous projects. An open discussion followed with questions and an exchange of techniques.
On the 8th of July the project partners had the opportunity to make a study visit to EPANODOS, which is active for the Social Reintegration of Ex-Prisoners which operates under the Supervision of the Greek Ministry for Citizen Protection. Partners had the opportunity to present our project, to learn about EPANODOS community services and to visit the transition type flat. This transition flat is aimed at supporting ex-prisoners in their transition between prisons and the community. Participants had the opportunity to speak with the service users of EPANODOS. This was the most interesting part for participants who were moved by Andreas’ personal story of re-integration; him being imprisoned for a financial crime, how he was proven to be innocent later, how he managed to support his family, and how professionals who participated in the Transnational Meeting evaluated it highly. The highlights were the study visit and presentations of external organizations. The next Transnational Meeting is schedule for the 29th and 30th of September 2022 in Serbia (Subotica or in Palić) and the host and organizer will be Antropos Association.
The 3rd Transnational meeting was held in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria by IGA. The Transnational Meeting was focused on IO5 – the Release Diary and the ways to incorporate art therapy in the tool.
The goal of the IO5 - The Release Diary, is to help target individuals in considering what and how they want to change and what steps are needed, where they are at the given moment, how will others realize that they have changed, what are the qualities of their relationships, and how can they change, expand, develop them (if they want to), what resources they have for all this, is there anything they already do well, how can they improve.
The Release Diary should be a coaching tool, in order to help in change and development. It is the desire of the project coordinator to collect, edit and use art therapy tools in that, because a tangible product and the creative process both provide participants with a flow experience. Another reason for art therapy is the liberation of emotions and values, a complete restructuring, which would be the corner stone of the change and development process.
Therefore the Release Diary should be seen as a new and creative tool for both the direct target group members and the experts dealing with them. The target group of the Release Diary is therefore marginalized target group with high criminality risk of detainees, ex-detainees and addicts, and the expert group working with them.
The Transnational meeting involved a presentation of the host organization & presentations of the partner organizations, project discussions regarding administrative, financial and dissemination tasks, short discussion of the finalization of IO4 as well as future steps. Regarding the IO5, it was discussed that a number of art therapy methods should be used by the organizations in developing the parts of the Release Diary. Different options for structure of the tool were discussed, including the Good Lives Model of offender rehabilitation. Concrete ideas for possible methods were also discussed, including in informal setting during the dinner on the 28th of October.
Additionally, several presentations were made by experts external to the project. IGA’s social services expert coordinator Valentina Gesheva presented the legal framework of social work and the provision of social services in Bulgaria. Valentina also presented information about the different types of social services in Bulgaria, the mechanism for funding of social services and the process of management of these services by municipalities, NGOs or private companies.
IGA’s Andrey Momchilov presented about the Circles of Support and Accountability. This community intervention aimed originally towards medium and high risk sex offenders was first introduced in Canada in 1994. It consists of groups of volunteers with professional supervision, who support sex offenders as they reintegrate into society after their release from incarceration. Evaluations of CoSA indicate that participation in a CoSA can result in statistically significant reductions in repeat sexual offenses in 70% of cases, relative to what would be predicted by risk assessment or matched comparison subjects.
On the 29th the participants heard a presentation by Gergana Nacheva, coordinator of the Observed Home for young people leaving institutions in Plovdiv. This transition type social service is aimed at supporting young men (18 to 25 years old) in their transition between residential institutions (most often orphanages or Family Type Placement Centers) and the community. The most interesting part for participants was the practical approaches to everyday life in this residential service.
Professionals who participated in the 3rd TM evaluated the meeting highly. Unfortunately we couldn’t welcome in person our colleagues from Antropos Association, because of Covid related restrictions, but at least they managed to participate actively via the provided Zoom platform. Among the highlights according to the participants’ evaluation forms have been the presentations on the Circles of Support and Accountability and the Observed Home.
The 2nd Transnational meeting was held in Athens, Greece by AMAKA. The Transnational Meeting was focused on IO4 - Educating the Educators II (ways of implementing art therapy). The goal of the IO4 curriculum is to get acquainted with approaches, methodologies, tools, methods and techniques, mapping and learning different opportunities that can be used in the competence development of experts/and/or supporters working in reintegration, first of all through the methodology of art therapy. The target group of the curriculum / course is the volunteers, supporters and professionals who work in the field of reintegration, with the marginalised, deviant target group with a highly criminal lifestyle, offenders, addicts and anyone receiving a closed institutional education (reformatories, prisons, penal institutions etc.) or support or work with any other vulnerable target group.
The TM involved the following activities:
Short presentation of AMAKA & presentations of partner organizations, project discussions regarding administrative, financial and dissemination tasks, a cultural visit, presentations and progress made so far regarding IO4 as well as future steps. Regarding the IO4, partners agreed that the IO4 should be focused on how professionals will be able to identify, assess, and positively improve their coping strategies. They can resolve conflicts more easily and manage stressful situations, identify the signals of burn-out, and effectively prevent and/or treat them. They will also be able to identify and experience flow experience in their private and professional life through solution oriented thinking. Partners also agreed that the modules should be creating lesson plans for actual work places, fields and target groups on how to use art therapy as an effective tool and how art therapy can be in the service of experts/professionals (recharging, self-reinforcement, positive experience, creation, productivity, source of joy, flow, coping). Therefore the following modules were agreed: bibliotherapy, target group specific helping techniques “field competence”, opportunities of methodologies in the work with special target groups “criminals/prisoners/released people”, burn-out prevention, managing emotional stress, communication skills, storytelling, group forming- group as a method- group as a technique, characteristics/risks/needs/juvenile services - Holistic approach and key elements of effective practice, Theater as a form of art therapy – methodology of educational theater, practice developing educational theater.
Additionally, partner organizations had the opportunity to experience an Art Therapy Activity linked with IO4 which was facilitated by AMAKA with the aim to have a hands-on experience on UNLOCKED practices. A presentation by Human Rights 360 organization regarding psychosocial rehabilitation in Greece took place during the meeting. Human Rights360 shared their impactful work regarding street-laywering and CUP Project. The Convicts Upskilling Pathways is a 36-month project funded by the EU’s Erasmus + programme that aims to design and pilot training modules for the upskilling of women and men prisoners in 6 European prisons while also providing the necessary tools to evaluate the impact of these upskilling paths and promoting the social reintegration of prisoners. This was an opportunity for networking, for exchanging ideas regarding rehabilitation work in Greece and abroad for ex-detainees and for connecting UNLOCKED and CUP projects in order to have a wider impact.
Professionals who participated in the 2nd TM evaluated the meeting mentioning that they were particularly happy with the art therapy experiential activity, the presentation of HUmanRights360 as well as the discussions on IO4. The phototherapy activity was helpful in understanding how art therapy may be applied with the target group. Furthermore, participants found interesting the cultural visit to the Museum. Professionals reflected on the need to have more applications of the practices discussed and hands-on experience.
Different Ways of Using Art Therapy with Marginalized, Vulnerable
Social Groups
International meeting and Workshop Booklet - Summary
The comprehensive goal of the UNLOCKED project is to reduce the marginalization of the criminal, detained and released, addicted, high criminogenic risk target group, to support their social integration, to develop strategic partnerships for methodological development, tool development, knowledge and experience exchange; moreover to use innovative, non-formal creative programs and methods - the goal/task/activity during and after the project time is personality development, enhancing and handling learning needs and motivation, reduction of knowledge and competence deficit.
The partnership is represented by 4 organizations (Váltó-sáv Alapítvány, koordinátor szervezet - HU, Antropos Mental Hygiene Association - SRB, Crime Prevention Foundation - IGA, AMAKA NGO, GR) from 4 countries (Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece).
Váltó-sáv Alapítvány (hereinafter VSA - HU) is nationwide, civil, professional support organization for deviant, disadvantaged/marginalized, vulnerable groups and their relatives; moreover, supporting the social and labor market (re)integration of the socially disadvantaged, offenders, addicts, prisoners and released people. Our main activity is the care, training and mental health support of the target group, as well as the reduction of prejudice and sensitization and the strengthening of social inclusion (
The Antropos Mental Hygiene Association (Udruzenje za mentalnu higijenu Antropos - SRB) was founded in 2010 with the collaboration of mental health professionals. It became clear to the founders that young people are the population that is most neglected in terms of mental health, while they are the most sensitive and vulnerable generation, and at the same time, they are also the most receptive to novelties. We are responsible for the prevention of contemporary aggression, and the organization of individual and group consultation, psychotherapy (psychodrama self-knowledge groups), psychological workshops, self-reinforcing trainings, lectures, films, performances and grandstands on mental health.
Crime Prevention Foundation - IGA is an independent professional organisation which initiates civil activity and works for the reduction of crime. The organisation works for the benefit of socially excluded persons and groups; children at risk; offenders; crime victims; relevant institutions. IGA studies social processes in the area of crime and social exclusion; develops, and introduces innovative programmes and models; implements training, consultancy, educational and publishing activities; improves the social dialogue and the interagency relations; carries out advocacy campaigns; delivers social services, develops national and international partnerships. Among IGA’s achievements is the decisive push for the introduction of probation in Bulgaria, the first probation center and probation officers in the country, an achievement that was awarded the International Community Justice Award in 2004. IGA also was the first to transfer to Bulgaria risk assessment for juveniles, to develop specialized community and prison based programs for work with offenders, the first to do scientific research on sex offending and sex offenders, to develop specialized training program for professionals working with offenders and deliver it as part of the curriculum of the Plovdiv University. In 2010 IGA consulted the development of the first Municipal Crime Prevention Strategy – the Strategy of the city of Plovdiv.
AMAKA NGO (AMAKA ASTIKI MI KORDOSKOPIKI ETAIPIA - GR) AMAKA is a non-profit organization founded in Athens in 2008. The main aim of the organization is to provide help into underprivileged social groups. As underprivileged groups wedefine any group lacking opportunities or advantages enjoyed by other members of one’ s community. Amaka’s target group mostly focuses on migration minorities, children with special needs, adolescents at risk, high poverty groups, prisoners, elder people, psychiatric patients, homeless, victims of sex trafficking etc. AMAKA believes that Art- as creation- is liberating one self – And once oneself is liberated the path for social change opens. AMAKA has chosen Art as its basic tool to promote positive change to groups and individuals, offering workshops of Art Therapy, Phototherapy, Literacy through Photography, Drama Therapy and Participatory video. A workshop of its kind differs from a conventional art workshop because it focuses on the creative process, in those specific moments that an individual gets inspired and creates something. Amaka’s discipline does not emphasize in the art outcome-product, but in the essence of making
The topic of the first Intellectual Output and the first transnational project meeting in Hungary (Budapest, 23-24.06.2021) was the inventory of creative programs, art therapy sessions, opportunities, methods and techniques, and the collection and processing of good practices.
The first meeting due to the pandemic (COVID-19) and the situation created by it took place only in June 2021, before that the partners had "met" and worked online. Everyone was already very eager for personal professional discourses. In Hungary, in connection with the first international meeting, we were first on a professional study trip to the Vác Strict and Medium Regime Prison, and in the afternoon the special program of Váltó-sáv Alapítvány Half-way Flat Complex Reintegration Program was presented.
The next day, participants were able to try out the ChocolateWorkshop (they could participate in a creative program of this nature), and in the afternoon we prepared the next intellectual output.
All organizations were actively involved in the development of the first intellectual output: Váltó-sáv Alapítvány presented literature therapy programs developed and evaluated for inmates, as well as Arts&Crafts sessions, supplemented by special techniques that can be implemented and had been implemented in totally closed institutions: paverpol ( textile sculpture, re-use), enchaustic painting (wax ironing), and ChocolateWorkshop had been introduced as new creative techniques and opportunities.
Antropos Mental Hygiene Association elaborated on the possibilities of tale therapy in drug prevention, presenting a specific processing session.
IGA presented a theater art therapy program, method and technique for juveniles in risk with practices and session plans that can be applied immediately to everyday work.
AMAKA presented the implementation of phototherapy as a type of art therapy for female prisoners, also with specific practices and feasible possibilities.
Further information:,
Contract: KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Project title: UNLOCKED
Coordinating organization: Váltó-sáv Alapítvány
Period of implementation: 01.01.2021 - 28.02.2023
European Commission, Erasmus+ Programme, Key Activity 2
Project Summary
A partnership project of 4 partner organizations (Váltó-sáv Alapítvány, Crime Prevention Fund - IGA, Amaka NGO, ANTROPOS Mental Hygiene Association) from 4 countries (Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia) based on innovation, common experience and method exchange, knowledge extension and sharing, focusing on the especially vulnerable, disadvantaged target group of offenders, detainees and ex-detainees with a high criminality risk, addicts and those in a marginalised situation, as well as on professionals and experts treating them. Low school qualification and early school-leave is overrepresented in target group characterized by a lack of basic, key and transversal competences, and an overall knowledge and information deficit. Their experience in education is mostly negative, their school career path is full of failures, resulting in low self-esteem and self-respect. Prejudice from the majority society is significant toward this target group, making the outbreak from their marginalised position, and reintegration, rather difficult. The comprehensive goal of present project is to decrease marginalisation of target group of offenders, detainees, ex-detainees and addicts with high criminality risk, and to support their social integration. The project wants to achieve its goal through a strategic partnership working on tools extension, knowledge and experience sharing, and on employing innovative, non-formal creative programs and methods in order to facilitate personality development, motivation and learning need incitement in target group. It also focuses on mitigating their knowledge, information and competence deficit through tasks and activities during and after the project period.
The main target of the project is to organize and execute creative programs for crime prevention, as well as to develop methodology and process them in workshops. Also, to achieve personality development, improved manual, transversal, social and labor market competences with target group, thus increasing their life potentials.
The development of responsibility and civil competences in target group are also parts of the project goal, as well as training programs for experts (civilians, penal institution employees or volunteers) to extend their methodology and tools repertoire. It wants to achieve network development in this field by developing and improving local and international (re)integration programs.
During the project we plan 6 transnational partner meetings in the participating countries, with a parallel edition of 6 Workshop Booklets (in 10 different topics), and the development of 10 intellectual outputs. 50 multiplicator events are planned in connection with these intellectual outputs (10 per country).
Project activities and impacts: